Helloooooo from the other side of the world!!!!!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! And happy new year! I'll be
turning 21 in korean age this week haha! Koreans count the year you were
born as your age. Weird right? So if you were born on december 31, you
would be 2 years old on your second day of life! Not super logical but hey!
Koreans do what they want. No arguments haha.
Oh man... it was such a loooooonnng crazy week.. My companion has been sick
and with christmas and everything we didn't have to many lessons because
everyone was too busy! But slowly each day I am adjusting to living in this
crazy place.. This week I think I finally became okay with and accepting of
the fact that I just can't understand anyone.. and that's okay! People talk
to me and I just nod my head. "Smile and wave boys, smile and wave" is
seriously my motto haha. Its all good. My trainer said one of the first
steps in learning Korean is to acknowledge that you don't understand
anyone, and to accept it! So I've accepted it! Soo.. gift of tongues can
hit me any second now..
Exciting news!! We have a baptism on Sunday!! Our investigator 김덩희 (Kim
Dong Hee) is getting baptized! She is the greatest. She's in her late
thirties. She has 2 kids. She's currently separated from her kids and
husband because she wanted to join the church and they don't. Kind of
sad actually. But she's awesome. Yesterday we had a lesson with her
and committed her to live all of the commandments! Even though I
couldn't contribute much to the lesson.. I bore my testimony about how
keeping the commandments brings happiness and blessings.. (I can't
wait til I can actually teach a lesson dangit!) She's set for baptism.
I am so SO excited. Also for some reason I got volunteered to sing at
the baptism! So yeah, I'll be singing "When I am baptized"... In
Korean.. pray for me.
This week I overcame my fear of 잔도 (pronounced jundo-
prosiliting/street contacting)! We talked to 150 people this week. I
had no idea that I would be doing so much of this in my mission.. but
it is really a good chunck of what Korean missionaries do! I actually
really love it! Although I can't say much, and over half the time the
people are rude and don't want to talk to you.. but its worth it,
because yesterday a miracle happened! I had been praying that we would
be able to find a new investigator on the street yesterday. I talked
to a girl for literally 1 minute, gave her our card with our number on
it, and she had to run to catch the bus! Later that night we got a
text from some number saying "Are these the missionaries I met today?
Where can I meet with you again? I want to learn about this whole
mormon thing!" That never happens.. no one actually calls us! Sis.
Lawrence and I did a victory dance for a few minutes haha. It was such
an awesome feeling.. So worth being in the cold and getting rejected
by tons of people. I know God answers prayers.
I need to remember moments like this when I am having hard times..
which unfortunately come a lot right now.. Like I've said a million
times before.. The mission for me is just such a roller coaster! I'll
be doing great one day (or even hour) and then the next second I feel
so crappy and homesick, wondering what in the world I'm doing on the
other side of the world in a strange country that smells bad and
speaks the craziest language that I feel I can never learn. But these
negative feelings are coming less and less as I remember the good. The
fact that I finally got an investigator from street contact. The fact
that we have a baptism on saturday. The fact that I serve in such a
wonderful ward.. the fact that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me
and is aware of me. I have so many things to be grateful for!
This morning I read "Look Ahead and Believe" given by Elder Edward
Dube of the seventy at this last general conference. It was exactly
what I needed to hear. He says that God doesn't look at us by what
we've done or where we've been but more by where we're willing to go.
Its easy to get down on myself and feel discouraged when I think about
things I shoud've and shouldn't have done in the past.. But I know
that I have a savior who died for me. And because of this I can push
foward with faith, knowing that "by small and simple things are great
things brought to pass!" D&C 64:33
I love being a missionary! Even though its the hardest thing ever! I
love Korea! Even if it smells like dead animals! I love Koreans! Even
though I don't understand them!
And I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. Even though nothing. I just love it.
I love you all so much and thank the Lord every day for the emense
love and support I feel from home. Happy New years everyone! Have a
wonderful week!
Holmes 자매

Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Christmas in Seoul!
It's pretty common for missionaries to get homesick for the first few weeks after arriving in the field. It's also pretty common for them to get homesick around Christmastime. Hannah (that lucky duck) got to experience them both at the same time...
However, this unfortunate timing is still a blessing in the life of our dear Sister Holmes. Christmas is about Christ, our loving Savior who died so that we might live. He atoned for our sins and weaknesses. He knows each of us individually, and longs for us to put our faith in Him so that He can be our advocate with the Father. This year Hannah is spending Christmas spreading this message. It's truly a blessing that she is able to jump into the field during a time when the love of Christ is so present.
Talking on the phone with Hannah on Christmas Day was amazing for everyone in our family. You could just hear it in her voice that she knew that Christ's message to each of us is true. She knows that there is nothing more important in this world than spreading that message. She bore her testimony to us, and although it was in Korean and we didn't understand her, we all felt the power behind it.
This Christmas Hannah is sacrificing her time, energy, comfort, and everything else to bless the lives of others. And that, my dear friends, is the true spirit of Christmas.
p.s. Want to see Hannah singing Christmas Carols in Korean? (who wouldn't) A sweet American family living in Korea filmed all of the missionaries singing and posted it on their blog:
The mom also sent us these pictures!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Week 10
I honestly don't even know where to start.
I guess I'll start by saying, this has been thee single most crazy, emotional, hard, exciting, CRAZY week of my life haha! I am in Korea. I still don't believe it. Its crazy here. Literally crazy. I don't know how else to describe it except crazy. Everyone is asian.. obviously.. so that's been weird, being the one that looks totally different than everyone else.. Everyone is so busy and is moving a million miles an hour so its hard to talk to people.. and everyone speaks this weird language that I've never heard before... Its great! Its nothing like I thought it would be. at all. I couldn't tell you what I thought it would be like.. but its just crazy. CRAZY.
I'll start from the beginning. After the longest flight of my life, we finally landed in Korea last monday around 5 pm. We met Pres. and Sister Christensen at the airport. They are AWESOME, I love them so much! Then immediately after they got our luggage all packed up, gave us all book of mormons and put us on the subway and said go talk to people! .. Monday night is such a blur, I honestly don't remember it very much. Being on the subway was like a bad nightmare.. wandering around trying to talk to people. Every single person, I kid you not, was on their smart phone. If you tried to talk to them they would ignore you. It was horrible. Not to mention I don't know how to speak korean.. and it didn't help that I was jet lagged to the max and dead tired haha but I was like 'nope. can't do this. i'm going home.' .. Well luckily they didn't make us do too much after that.. we had dinner and did a few other things. We stayed the first few nights in these dorms they have at the temple. The second my head hit the pillow I was out. I woke up the next day feeling much better, with a new resolve to embrace Korea!! I've tried to have this mindset ever since.. and it has helped me be happy here, as crazy as it is haha. I'm still in culture shock a bit, but I'm trying to embrace it all.
My trainer is Sister Lawrence! She is from St. George Utah. She's 26 years old.. she is going to law school at byu, and this is her last transfer. She goes home in February.. so when she leaves I'll get a new trainer. She is awesome.. she speaks the language, she knows how to get everywhere, she knows everything. She's basically my mom its great. I hope she doesn't kick my butt too hard haha.. Anyways, she is great. We live in an apartment (that is SUPER nice, I'm so lucky) with 2 other sisters, Sister White and Sister Thomas. They are also so great.
My first area... SHINCHON! 신천 (<- yeah that's right.)
I live 5 minutes away from the temple! its in our area! Our church is right next to the temple.. so pretty much I have the ideal area. I love it so much. Our ward is amazing. Everyone is so nice and they love the missionaries so much. They love practicing English on us :) This is what I get a lot "Oh! Sister Hormes! Sherlock Hormes! Great name!" haha also they're always telling me how good my Korean is. Even though I hardly say anything.. pretty much yes and no and thank you and nice to meet you haha. So if I ever need a confidence boost I just talk to a Korean and they tell me I'm amazing. I love it. I love Koreans. (even the mean ones who won't talk to me dangit.)
Yesterday at church I had to get up and introduce myself.. I got up and said (in korean) something like "Hello everyone! Im sister Holmes, I'm from utah. Nice to meet you! I don't speak Korean very well, but I know the gospel is true! I know christ is my savior and I know that through joseph smith God restored the true church. I love this ward! Amen!" Haha even with that simple statement everyone was so impressed haha. People are so so nice.
Saturday was the ward christmas party and that was so much fun. Koreans are hilarious haha. They are just so bold and so crazy. I can't even explain it
I'm running out of time ahhhhh.. I still have so much to say. But just know that I am doing great here! As hard as it is to adjust and everything.. I'm taking it one day at a time!
Holmes 자매
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Week 9
In less than 2 days I will be on an airplane... flying to Korea. I can't believe it. I am so scared! I am so nervous! I am feeling every single emotion all the time and my heart is beating so fast all the time! But I am so excited. As scared, worried, and freaking out as I am... I am so excited. Even if all I can say to the Koreans is "Hello! I'm a missionary from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.. and God is our Father! The book of mormon is true!" haha. Hopefully I can pick it up fast!! My teacher Sister Allen told us that sisters pick up the language waaay faster than elders.. so that gave me a small glimmer of hope haha..
This week has been crazy though... I think I actually realized how much I love the mtc! This last sunday I was heartbroken that it was my last sunday at the mtc. (if I haven't already said this a ton of times I LOVE SUNDAYS AT THE MTC). I don't know if I even talked about this in any of my emails before (i'm literally losing my mind haha) but every sunday in sacrament meeting, its like the hunger games. You don't know if you're going to get called on to speak until you are there. So everyone has to prepare a talk. In Korean. I escaped the mtc without being called on, it was a miracle haha. But I'm still so sad.. And tuesday night devotionals were my favorite thing ever. This last week Elder Quinton L. Cook came (general authorities every week for the rest of the year.. awesome right). He gave such an amazing talk about the importance of being a happy and positive missionary. I truly hope that when I get to Korea I can stay positive and happy despite my lack of Korean speaking skills and despite the fact that I'm on the other side of the world and despite the fact that I'll probably smell like Kimchi for the next 16 months haha. I know this will be the most amazing experience of my life :) Now could I just get there and stop feeling all this anxiety anticipating it?? Sheeeesh
Yesterday was infield training... ALL DAY. It was the longest day ever.. but so cool! I got to meet one of the missionaries from the district, Elder Christensen! He works here at the mtc. So pretty much he's like super famous here haha.
It has been a hard week. Realizing that I'm actually leaving this place, I'm actually going to Korea.. I'm actually going to teach real investigators.. I'm so scared. But I am going to do this. God will help me. God will carry me through my trials, and because of my trials, the joy I feel will be so incomprehensible, just as the sons of Mosiah experienced on their missions. This week Sis. Baek shared a quote with me from President Kimball (I don't remember the exact wording): "If you are doing the Lord's work you cannot fail." This is HIS work. As I strive to be the best missionary I can me, I cannot fail. Knowing this brings me so much comfort.
"...Be not afraid, only believe" Mark 5:36. This scripture has been my go-to this week! And will be for my whole mission haha :)
Well I better go now.. I gotta go pack some more! I don't know how I'm gonna fit everything ahhh and I REFUSE TO PAY A $200 FEE FOR MY BAGS... So ridiculous. ANYWAYS, I love this gospel. I am SO grateful for the opportunity I have to be on a mission, going to Seoul Korea. I am so grateful for the amazing experience I've had here at the mtc. I have met the most amazing people ever, and felt the most amazing spirit ever. I feel so close to my Heavenly Father and Savior.
SALANGHAMNIDA!!! I love you all so much, truly. Thank you EVERYONE for your prayers, love and support.
Holmes Chamae
ps. next time I email you.. it will be from KOREA AAAHHHHHH!!!!
Okay so this is the cutest little Korean family we met at the temple last sunday :) I bore my testimony to them and they said I was so good at Korean! It made my whole week. I love Koreans!!!! YAY
MTC Christmas lights!!
oops its blurry. Sorry. I just love these girls!
Okay. So this sweater vest is the best thing to happen to me at the MTC. We found it in a free stuff bin and stole it... Last week all the sisters going to Seoul wore it one day. This is the look I sported ;) best day ever haha
TATUM!!!!!! Best day of my life
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Week 8
I am so sorry, I have NO time to email right now. Pday ends at 6 and I have to go to dinner right now so this will be a really short email! I'm so sorry.
This week was good, but really hard. I studied hard. It has hit all of us missonaries really hard that we're actually leaving to Korea in 9 days. Wait! I can't speak Korean yet haha! Seriously that's how I feel. I'm so scared. But my teacher sister baek gave us a little pep talk. She told us that if we have grown closer to Christ while being here, we have fulfilled our purpose at the mtc. If we have become more meek, submisive, willing.. we are doing the right thing, and God will qualify us for the work. I can't even explain how close I've grown to Christ in the past 8 weeks. I love my Savior. I can't wait to tell the people of Korea that Christ has atoned for their sins and through Him can receive the most happiness this life has to offer.
I really have to go now. I'm so sorry. Just know I'm so excited. So excited. Freaking our right now. My hands are shaking as I'm typing. I love you all so much! SO MUCH.
Holmes Chamae
P.S. quote of the week.. Sis. Telford: "So the missionary reference library.. that's a place right? Where is it?" HAHAHA my companion is a riot
P.S.S. Sister Frampton is here!!! :) I am so happy. Sorry I couldn't sent pics this week, i'll send lots next week!!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Week 7
Annyeonghasayo cajok!!!
Well another week has passed.. and it was SUCH a great one. I had the best thanksgiving EVER! I thought I'd be feeling super homesick and sad all day, but it was just the opposite. Brother and Sister Nally do such a wonderful job of making thanksgiving special for the missionaries, I am so grateful to them! Being at the mtc for thanksgiving made me truly realize how blessed I am to be here at this time.
I'll just go ahead and tell you about my whole day... Because it was that great
It started out great, with a morning devotional from Elder Russel M. Nelson, no big deal (pretty much the whole month of december we have general authorities speaking for almost every devotional.. so you could say I'm pretty dang lucky to be here right now dang it). He talked about the importance of giving your all as a missionary. He said "Take a lesson from the automobile.. learn how to recharge your batteries on the go!" I loved that, because its true! As a missionary you need to learn how to go go go all the time! This is something that has been a hard adjustment for me.. Sometimes, I just want to sit in my room.. and wear stretchy pants.. just for fun.. Anyways, it was so amazing. Oh also, our district got chosen to be the ushers! So I was that person motioning people down in to seats and stuff. How neat is that? Then we got front row seats so yeah. It was a pretty awesome experience.
Well my thanksgiving 'feast' was a bit of a let down.. Somehow mtc cafeteria food doesn't live up to dad's mashed potatoes (man I miss those babies). But you know what, I feasted on the spirit all day! So I felt well fed :) haha even if the food was less than satisfactory.. Sooo after lunch we had a service project! We packaged food pouches for a humanitarian program called 'feed the children' (or something to that extent.. I don't really remember). It was so much fun :) What a better way to spend thanksgiving than serving others right? Man I loved it. ALSO I'M FAMOUS... There's pictures of me on deseret news from the service project!! :)
After the service project we had our dinner, which was a sack lunch (we packed them after our lunch so that all the cafeteria people didn't have to work anymore! how great huh?) This was one of my favorite parts of the day. We ate a candle lit dinner (the candles you sent me for halloween mom :) you're the best) on the floor of our room in a circle, with our cute little turkey name tags (thanks John and Claire, everyone LOVED them!!). We talked about what we are all thankful for, and thanksgiving traditions our families have. I just LOVE the people here, we are honestly all like sisters. Its wonderful.
Then came the thanksgiving program, which I was somehow volunteered into participating in.. I was handed a slip of paper that said "puritan woman' when I walked in.. then I was called up to participate in a thanksgiving skit.. it was quite humiliating haha. Everytime the word 'puritan woman' was said me (and 2 other girls, one being my comp. Sis. Telford) had to go up to the mic and say "mercy me!" in a high pitched voice. I wanted to die. But it makes for a good memory :) The Nallys are so cute. We also sang "over the river and through the woods" as a group. Also my friend Sister Schillemat sang a rendition of songs from Joseph's amazing techincolor dream coat. She's an amazing singer. Anyways, it was so great. Afterwards we got to watch a movie. Yes you heard me, a movie! Ephram's Rescue! It was amazing!! If you haven't seen it family, you need to! Its inspiring! I always feel so grateful when I am reminded what the pioneer saints went through to get to Zion.. so inspiring. The gospel is TRUE!
On top of all this fun, after the movie, we walked out and christmas music was blasting, christmas lights everywhere. I was so giddy :) It was seriously the best thanksgiving ever, from start to finish. I love being here, I love being a missionary!!
Sorry my whole email was about thanksgiving! But it was just so great I had to share. It was seriously a spiritual feast. I gain a greater appreciation for this gospel every day that I'm here. I love you all and hope your holiday was awesome! Until next week!
Sa lang ham ni da uraboon!! (haha it kills me to spell things out like this. Korean can not be put into english very well at all.)
Holmes Chamae
Temple walk on sunday :)
US WITH THE KOREAN ELDERS!!! Elder Kim, Park, and Lim. They are so cool...I'm kind of obsessed with Koreans
My branch president and his wife, President and Sister Yost!! I love them so much, they are the sweetest people I've ever met. So loving and caring for each missionary in the branch. Sister Yost made me wear her scarf on the way back because I didn't bring a coat...such a sweetheart haha
What happens when Gimely gets your camera (actually what happens when you've been in the MTC this long ahhhhaeofsjf;jio)
Twin Tuesday!! All the Korean sisters wore black and white...we are so cute huh :)
Me and Sis. Schillemat...I LOVE HER. She is like my Ally here, red hair and all!
haha this is a bad pic. But this was yesterday, we took a temple walk :) I love these girlies.
Hannah is pretty much famous now, because she was in the Deseret News.
And here's the pictures!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Week 6
Annyeonhasaeyo ee-u-ra-bon (your-a-boon... means everyone haha)
Sooo basically I think I was born in the mtc... And any memories of life before here are just thoughts they inject into my brain at night... No, it's probably a chemical they put in the food! Yeah that's it. Oh the food... I don't know how much longer I can take it. Jeremiah 4:19-20 pretty much sums up how I feel about mtc food...
But it is going by so dang fast it's crazy. Almost 3 weeks 'til I'm in Korea.. I can't believe it!! This past week was so weird.. I feel like I've been in this weird daze.. But it was a great week! Every day I don't think my brain has the capacity to learn anything else... and yet here I am, alive and learning. Learning Korean is such an adventure. Some days a love it and feel so pumped, like dang I could leave to Korea TODAY! And other days I feel like... I don't know a single word and I'm gonna die when I leave in less than a month. But when it comes down to it I really have learned so much its crazy. I am so grateful for the Lord's help, I would be no where without him! I just wish you could all be here with me to see the things I'm learning! It just can't be described over email.
Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Dad, I will be dreaming of your mashed potatoes.... I hope you all appreciate the food you will be eating even more, knowing that Hannah is eating MTC cafeteria food.. Fake potatoes, fake meat.. don't even know if the veggies are real... ); Haha but really, I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday. Know that I will be thinking of you here and thanking the Lord for the wonderful blessing you all are in my life! The other day Sister Telford and I were having a hard day. So we decided to say a prayer of gratitude together.. It was one of the best experiences that I've had here at the mtc. I realized how abundantly the Lord blesses me. Missionary life is hard, so I forget to see the good sometimes. But when you take a minute and thank the Lord for all the blessings in your life, your attitude and perspective totally changes! It's amazing. It was also a really good bonding experience between me and Sis. Telford. She really is such a great companion. Although we are different, we work well together and help each other's week spots! I love her. Also, our 'investigator' (who is really our teacher) got baptized this last sunday! She is so excited about the gospel and is so excited to be a new member. These role plays we do just make me so excited to Go to Korea and preach the gospel! I know I say this every week.. but really! Its all I have to look forward to right now haha! (which is how it should be.)
I found a new favorite scripture this week.. D&C 50:40-42. Its just one of those scriptures you read and feel so much comfort and love from our Savior Jesus Christ.
I am so sorry I don't have much to say this week (or any week cuz I'm so bad at emailing) ... It was kinda boring.. Other than just learning Korean and loving the gospel more each day... Nothing to report :)
I love it and I am so happy here!! Thank you all for all your love and prayers. Have a wonderful thanksgiving! I'll talk to you next week :)
Holmes Chamae
it was our teacher Sister Allen's birthday so we brought a hat. I look so good. Like a unicorn.
These are the Elders in my district.. They do this every day at least...like 5 times a day. haha
We all wore yellow sweaters! This is my favorite teacher Sister Baek. She's the best.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Week 5
Oh my gosh.
I've been at the mtc for a whole month now, I really can't fathom it! The weeks seriously just fly by here. One more month 'til I'm off to Korea, I can't believe it! I'm so excited!
Man this week was great.. Its always an amazing experience when you get to hear from an apostle of the Lord! Tuesday night's devotional address from L. Tom Perry was awesome. He has such a love for missionaries and missionary work. He talked about 5 very important points.. 1. companionship study is vital, when you study and grow together you will be able to teach with the spirit that much stronger.. 2. Teach from the scriptures! 3. Teach by the spirit. 4. Be a good listener. 5. Never leave a congregation without bearing your testimony... a congregation is one person. These points are simple but so important! There's something about being in the same room as an apostle.. The spirit is phenomenal. I sang in the choir, Redeemer of Israel! Seriously singing in the choir is the highlight of my week every week.. Anyways my favorite part of Elder Perry's talk was the very end.. When he was testifying of Christ. One of the most powerful feelings is hearing a general authority bear their testimony!
Also guess what? I'm singing in sacrament meeting this sunday.. Its finally happened. haha I'm singing in a quartet with Sis. Mortensen, Sis. Jacobsen, and Sis. Schilimat. We're singing Nearer my God to Thee.. 4 part harmony. Its beautiful. And another sister is playing the cello with us.. Yeah I decided not to hide my talents under a bushel anymore. Apologize to Alice Hicken for me will ya mom?
Hmm what else happened this week.. I hosted new missionaries on wednesday! I was that person ripping missionaries away from their families. Haha the girls I helped were super happy and didn't even cry or anything.. I was like.. What is wrong with you why aren't you bawling your eyes out like I was... Hahah remember that Sister missionary when we were pulling up? "Don't do it!!" Haha in the moment I though, why in the world would she say that to me?? Now I see the light... just kidding ;)
We got a new district of Korean missionaries in!! I'm not the baby in our branch any more haha! There are people who actually know less Korean than us! Its kind of a good feeling not going to lie haha... Is that selfish of me? They'll all pass me up in knowledge soon anyways, I can tell they're all really smart dang it. But this week was actually really good language-wise! I am starting to see my progress so much.. I am starting to see the gift of tongues working in little ways.. I see the Lord's tender mercies in my life every day!
I seriously love it here, and I'm growing to love it more every day. I love my branch. I love my district. I love my teachers.. I feel so close to everyone here and its starting to feel more like home! Its been a long time coming, but I feel truly happy here! Knowing that no matter how hard it is, I can make it through because the Lord is with me. I only have this short time to be a missionary so I need to get to work!!!
I love you all so much! I am SO grateful for all of the love and support I feel being here! Until next week! Annyeonghecaseyo! SA LANG HAM NI DA!
Holmes Chamae
ps. like.. what's my first name? I don't even remember
Friday, November 8, 2013
Week 4
Ahhhh my sweet family!!! Annyeonghasaeo :)
Its that time again.. email time.. pday! I seriously can't fathom how fast time is going by here.. I've been here over 3 weeks. I really feel like you guys just dropped me off yesterday. Its just the darndest thing ..
Wellll this week was killer. I've been feeling really sick and lots of things were just hard and emotional for me. But as hard as I was, I think I've finally come to the conclusion that.. the mission is really hard. And its not gonna get any easier. Its all about having a postivie and optomistic attitude! That is what makes everything managable. D&C 84:84 ".. let the morrow take thought for the things of itself". I've really been trying to live by this scripture, just taking everything one day at a time, step by step. So as hard as this week was, it was also an amazing week. Thats how pretty much every day is here if I'm being honest haha!
Sooo since I can never think of anything to say when I'm emailing.. I'm going to tell you my favorite and least favorite things about the mtc!
My favorite thing about the mtc is devotionals on sunday and tuesday nights. Seriously the spirit is incredible and I always feel so uplifted. Such a boost. Also.. This coming tuesday... L. Tom Perry is coming to speak!!!!! I'm elated. I can't wait! Also another thing that I love is going to bed every night and sleeping so good because I worked my tail off the whole day haha :) I was so worried that I would have sleep issues.. But nope I sleep like a rock! In fact this morning we all woke up late.. on pdays we wake up early for a service project but no one's alarm went off so we missed like half of it haha.. oops.My least favorite things.. Ahhh probably the food. The thing is, it tastes great most of the time! But it doesnt feel great. What it does to your stomach I would not wish upon another human soul haha
Yesterday I had an awesome experience. We had a lesson with one of our progressing investigators, Jang Chameneem (really my teacher Sis. Baek). She has been having a really hard time feeling clarity, she has been really confused about what she's been learning about the gospel. In our last lesson we challenged her to continue to pray and read the book of mormon and that if she did so with a sincere heart, she would get an answer! So yesterday we asked her how she felt and she said that she knew the book of mormon was true! We asked her to be baptized, and she said yes.. In that moment my whole body was filled with happiness, I can't explain it! I think I felt a little bit of what it will feel like when I'm in Korea, teaching real investigators, helping to bring them unto Christ. It was the most amazing feeling :) So as tired, frustrated, heartbroken, or stressed as I may get at times.. I'll remember this moment and it will all be worth it.
This week I also realized how dang excited I am to go to Korea.. I love Koreans :) they are so sincere and gracious, I just love it. My teacher Sis. Baek is Korean, she is so amazing I love her with all my heart! I am so excited for this opportunity. Its gonna be incredible, I just know it.
I love you and miss you all so much, and pray for you every single day! Thank you for the letters, packages, and love you send my way. You have no idea how much it helps me!
Until next week! Sa lang ham nida :)
Holmes Chamae
ps. my district really gets a kick out of the fact that I can pretty much quote Nacho Libre word for word hhaha so whenever we're having a hard time in class I just yell "hey! get that corn out of my face" or something and it lightens the mood :) I knew my movie quoting skills would be a blessing in my life! I'm so awesome...
first snow of the year!!! On mom's birthday! : )
me and my dongbanja
Me and my 2 besties...Sister Schillimat and Sister Jacobson. Pullin' out the Miranda faces
Last night with all the older girls who left to Korea. We are a riot.
This is the koochoo (soccer) crew. We go hard.
p.s. I made a goal this week...soooooo yeah I'm ready to go pro
Friday, November 1, 2013
Week 3
(Spelling out Korean is called 'romanizing' and our teacher doesn't like us to do it.. but I have to show off my awesome skills sooooo yeah)
I can't believe its already p-day again.. Seriously its crazy. Time is the weirdest thing here at the mtc. Every day is like a week long.. But every week is like an hour. I don't even know it doesn't make any sense. But anyways, I am SO happy I get to email you all again so soon!
MAN it has been a crazy week. I can't believe I'm actually learning Korean. Korean is the hardest language for native english speakers to learn.. So I'm taking on a hefty task here. But luckily I have the Lord on my side :) As hard as it seems at times. This week was another emotional roller coaster for me, surprising I know.. Some moments I'm feeling so confident and happy, and others I'm down in the dumps. One of the hardest things here at the mtc is teaching investigators. They're really our teachers, but it is so stressful to plan lessons with the limited amount of Korean I know.. But I guess that's just how its gonna be and I've gotta get used to it! It just pushes me to do my best and to learn more!
There is such an amazing spirit here at the mtc. Tuesdays are my favorite days ever because of devotionals. I feel the spirit so strong singing in the choir and the speakers are always so amazing! This week Elder Godoy of the seventy spoke. He's from brazil and he told his conversion story. It made me so excited to be a missionary. I can't wait to meet that one person. That one person who will change my life, and I will help change theirs. It doesn't really feel real yet! I can't fathom that I'll be in Korea in 7 weeks. I feel like I'm at this efy boot camp thing right now...
Also I think I'm just gonna be bloated for the next 7 weeks.. Its whatever. The food is starting to take its toll on me haha. Hopefully I get healthy again in Korea with all the fermented cabbage and raw fish and garlic! Also aparently the whole country of Korea just smells like garlic... yummaaay!
Philipians 4:13 "Through Christ I can do all things." That is my new motto. I have to tell myself this over and over again every day. I know that it is true! God wouldn't have called me to this mission if He didn't have faith that I could do it. I love this gospel so much!
I am really so sorry that I can never remember what I want to say in these emails ahhh! I'm making it a goal to write down spiritual/funny/random things I want to tell you so that I have an outline on pday. But alas I have to go now, my hour is almost up! I love you all so much. and I'm praying for you every night and day. Thank you all for the love and support!!!
Holmes Chamae
First pic as a missionary!!
Me and my Seoul sisters! All the girls going to Seoul. I love them all so much
(Sis. Haynie, Butterfield, Me, Shilimat, Jacobson)
Silly willies.
Me and my cute dong-bon-ja!! (companion)
My district! Family pic outside the temple :)
Roomies. So cute.
Halloween :) We loved our masks mom thank you!!!
(Mortensen, Brocious, Telford, ME)
Hahaha my comp. just sent me this...I fell asleep in class like this. This is what the MTC has done to me. This is what I've become. Look at me.
Last one for best hahaha. This is Parola Chamae. She's from the Philipines and she's hilarious. She dressed up like this for Halloween and went around to everyone's rooms scaring people. I love her.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Week 2
Where do I even start!! There is so much that I have to tell you all.. This has been the most overwhelming, emotional, AMAZING week of my whole life. I can honestly say that I'm loving it. I am so happy! I didn't know if I'd ever get to this point.. The first few days were ROUGH. It was so overwhelming, so emotionally draining.. I didn't know if I'd get over those feelings.. But you know what they say, if you can make it to Sunday, you can make it your whole mission.. And I truly believe that. Sundays at the mtc are seriously the best. So spiritually uplifting. I've never felt so close to God in my whole entire life. Sunday nights after devotional there are 'Sunday night films'. They play different devotionals all over campus. I went to "Character of Christ" by David A. Bednar. It was a devotional he gave at the mtc like 2 christmases ago. It was... Eye opening. Most amazing talk ever. Please please watch it, it is really life changing. It truly made me realize my purpose as a missionary. I am not here for myself. I am here for God. I am here for the people of Seoul. And as soon as I realized that, my anxiety was gone. My overwhelmed, homesick, scared feelings were gone. I am really here for such a short time, I need to fully devote myself to this work. I am so excited for the opportunity. Every day is still and emotional roller coaster.. but it is SO worth it.
I was able to sing in the mtc choir for Tuesday's devotional! (I even made it on the camera a few times.. if you want to watch it ;) Lynn G. Robbins of the seventy spoke). Singing in the mtc choir is amazing! We sang 'Consider the Lilies'.. While I was singing I felt God's love for me overpower my body (and I was thinking of you mom, I know how much you love this song). It was amazing! I just love it here. God is teaching me so much about myself and others every day here.
Holy smokes. Korean... It is crazy. I can't believe I'm learning this language... As hard as it is, I have faith that I will be able to speak it! Eventually! KEEP PRAYING FOR THE GIFT OF TONGUES TO HIT ME. We taught our first lesson last friday. In Korean.. 2 days after I'd been in the mtc. It was crazy. All I could say was "God loves you".. "Book of mormon" "Pray" haha the first lesson was horrible, but what can you expect.. We've taught 3 more lessons to that same investigator, Jang Ming Chei. On Wednesday night, we taught our last lesson to her. I was having a really hard day, and struggling with what I wanted to say to her. After our lesson was over, she pulled me aside and said (in english) "Are you okay?" I explained to her that I had had a hard day and was getting pretty down on myself about learning Korean.. She told me not to worry about it because even though I couldn't speak very much Korean, the spirit was there because of my sincerity! It made me so happy to hear that. So even if I'm never able to fully grasp this language.. I will be able to share what I need to because of the spirit! The spirit speaks louder than words. :) Jang Ming Chei's real name is Sister Baek, and she is one of our new teachers! She is the sweetest person I've ever met. She's Korean. I love her so much!
I love my branch so much! There are so many missionaries going to Korea!! We are the largest branch in the mtc right now! My district is so awesome. We all get along so well, probably too well, we never get anything done haha! The people here are seriously great. All the girls in my room, Sister Telford, Sister Mortensen, and Sister Brocious are all going to the Seoul South mission.. I'm the odd one out! But the girls next door are all going to Seoul! And I LOVE THEM. I wish I could go into more detail about all of them but I don't have time. Oh Sister Telford, where to start.. We are so different haha.. sometimes its hard because I feel like she can't relate to me at all.. But I really love her. I know I was supposed to be her companion for a reason. I pray every day to see the good in her!
So things are really great. Sorry I can't write more!! I wish I could just email you every single experience I have had, but sadly I'm out of time.. we're going to the temple in about 20 minutes! I love this gospel so so much! I can't believe how much I've learned this past 9 days.. I wish you all could be with me every second just to know what I'm feeling and see what I'm doing.. Just know that I am SO happy here. Even though it is so hard it is so great. I've felt so much love and support from home.. It makes me know that I CAN DO THIS!
I love you all SO much. I'm praying for you always.
Holmes Chamae
(Hannah's District)
Friday, October 18, 2013
Week 1
I have officially survived 2 whole days in the mtc. 2 days... I seriously feel like I've been here for 2 months already! Its killer! Hardest thing that I've ever done. But I'm going to keep moving forward and put my faith in God and hopefully I survive! If I can make it to sunday I can make it my whole mission.. that's what everyone keeps telling me haha. 2 MORE DAYS TO GO! PRAY FOR ME!!
Well, my companion's name is Sister Telford! She is a super sweet gal. She's from California.. and Utah. She says she's moved back and forth so many times so she just says both haha. We are really different. But I already love her! I am continually praying to know how to best be sucessful with her. There are 2 other girls in our room, Sister Mortensen and Sister Brocious. They're both awesome.. And they're already pro at Korean so that's cool.. Man guys Korean, it's kickin' my butt. But guess what?? I already know how to pray! So I guess I'm already making progress! I just wish I could understand the alphabet better, then I could read and understand things my teacher writes on the board.. I'm trying my best though! I feel like I've learned a lot already! Hopefully that gift of tongues arrives here soon..
I have been feeling a lot of discouragement. One minute I'm happy and the next I'm so homesick and sad.. But I know God needs me here. I need to be here! Every time I feel discouraged I think of the way I felt when I heard the announcement. The moment when I opened my call. The moment when I got set apart as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know I'm supposed to be here! Last week Dennis sent me a scripture in his email that has really helped me out these past couple days.. Phillipians 4:6. It says something like "Be careful of nothing". The hebrew translation means "Don't be unruly concerned about anything". So I should not be too hard on myself! I need to just trust in God and know that if I give it my all, everything will work out.
So I don't have too much else to say because it has only been 2 days! I didn't know I'd get a p-day this week so I was pleasantly surprised! So my p-day is friday!! I haven't taken many pics so I'll send some next week!!
I love you all and miss you so so much. Until next week! Sa lang ham ni da! (I love you)
Sister Holmes
Holmes Chamae :)
Well, my companion's name is Sister Telford! She is a super sweet gal. She's from California.. and Utah. She says she's moved back and forth so many times so she just says both haha. We are really different. But I already love her! I am continually praying to know how to best be sucessful with her. There are 2 other girls in our room, Sister Mortensen and Sister Brocious. They're both awesome.. And they're already pro at Korean so that's cool.. Man guys Korean, it's kickin' my butt. But guess what?? I already know how to pray! So I guess I'm already making progress! I just wish I could understand the alphabet better, then I could read and understand things my teacher writes on the board.. I'm trying my best though! I feel like I've learned a lot already! Hopefully that gift of tongues arrives here soon..
I have been feeling a lot of discouragement. One minute I'm happy and the next I'm so homesick and sad.. But I know God needs me here. I need to be here! Every time I feel discouraged I think of the way I felt when I heard the announcement. The moment when I opened my call. The moment when I got set apart as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know I'm supposed to be here! Last week Dennis sent me a scripture in his email that has really helped me out these past couple days.. Phillipians 4:6. It says something like "Be careful of nothing". The hebrew translation means "Don't be unruly concerned about anything". So I should not be too hard on myself! I need to just trust in God and know that if I give it my all, everything will work out.
So I don't have too much else to say because it has only been 2 days! I didn't know I'd get a p-day this week so I was pleasantly surprised! So my p-day is friday!! I haven't taken many pics so I'll send some next week!!
I love you all and miss you so so much. Until next week! Sa lang ham ni da! (I love you)
Sister Holmes
Holmes Chamae :)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Goodbye, Hannah...
Today we dropped Hannah off at the MTC. And it was rough, guys. Really rough. Saying goodbye to our amazing sister was probably one of the hardest things that any of us have ever done.
But amidst all of the bitterness, there was definitely a certain sweetness to the experience. Hannah knows that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true, with all of her heart. And although she is terrified, she wants nothing more than to share that knowledge with the people of Seoul. All of us are so proud of her! It is her hope (and ours as well) that as people read her letters home each week, they will find the strength to share what they believe with the people they love, even if they aren't serving a full-time mission.
Keep Hannah in your prayers!
But amidst all of the bitterness, there was definitely a certain sweetness to the experience. Hannah knows that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true, with all of her heart. And although she is terrified, she wants nothing more than to share that knowledge with the people of Seoul. All of us are so proud of her! It is her hope (and ours as well) that as people read her letters home each week, they will find the strength to share what they believe with the people they love, even if they aren't serving a full-time mission.
Keep Hannah in your prayers!
{please excuse our tearstained faces and Haley's complete inability to smile. again--rough day.}
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