Dear fam
All is well. I'm having a bit of a panic attack as I'm realizing I'm starting to experience the "last time" for a lot of things. Its starting to set in a little bit that I'm leaving soon and I'm experiencing a crazy roller coaster of emotions. But its all good. It was another great week!
We had a 'mission tour' this week. Which means one of the area seventy over our mission came and spoke to us. President Ringwood!! I was super stoked about seeing him after the killer talk he gave at general conference.. and yes he gave us another killer talk this week. Wow. What a spiritual feast. I honestly feel like everything that was said was everything that I needed to hear. He talked a lot about the influence the mission will have on you for the rest of your life if you let it.. He talked about how important the habits we develop on our mission are and to never 'adjust' back to the old ways. It really helped me cope with some of the crazy emotions I've been feeling this transfer. But most of all I loved hearing him bear testimony of the Savior at the very end. There's a special spirit that can't be described when you're in the same room as a general authority and they bear divine witness of Jesus Christ.
Things are good with Kim Su Yeoun. We're preparing for her baptism this Saturday! Pray that everything goes through with this girl! She is so prepared! She is still concerned about her family and boyfriend situation. Pray that it won't hold her back from taking the step of being baptized.
Kim Seo Yeon!!! This week she actually made a comment that brought us a lot of excitement. She said she really does want to get baptized before we leave. She's praying and fasting about it. I can't even imagine how amazing that would be. Such an answer to our prayers. But that being said, whatever happens will be okay. Because she will be baptized someday. So it doesn't really matter if I get to see it or not, right? That would just be a bonus. But whatever happens will happen! She says that everything as of late especially general conference has helped her faith so much and just assured her that she really is where she needs to be.
Other exciting things this week.. we had a really awesome stake music night. All of the missionaries in our stake performed special musical numbers. It was SO much fun. We performed a special arrangement of 'Abide with me 'Tis eventide'. Some of the other districts were more fun than us and sang things like 'Somewhere over the rainbow' but hey can't go wrong with spiritual haha. It was great a lot of our investigators came and really enjoyed it. Also the Elders had a baptism yesterday and me and 3 other Elders sang "My Kindness shall not depart from thee"! Yes mom, it was so pretty! It was just a really singy week.
This week should be great.. temple day tomorrow and I get to see some of my converts from Sinchon!! I'm going to lunch with Kim Dong Hee tomorrow, I'm so excited.. I'll actually be able to understand her now!
Welp gotta split! Love you all have a great week.
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
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