

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 80

Dear Everyone

Sorry this email will be short today. Such an awesome week... so dramatic. So crazy. So, Kim Su Youn didn't get baptized last Saturday.. She disappeared about a week ago. She didn't come to church last week and hasn't answered our calls or texts since then. We've tried to contact her several times each day but we haven't heard from her all week. It was really really hard at first. I went to the temple on tuesday with a heavy heart. but there I felt peace that everything would work out, and that we would see a miracle this transfer. It wasn't the miracle that I expected though.

Kim Seo Youn is getting baptized this week.

I can't describe adequately in words the emotions I felt this week.  
This last week her older sister got very very sick, with a severe kind of blood poisoning that was quite life threatening. We honestly didn't know if her sister would live. Kim Seo Youn said she prayed harder than she ever has that she would do anything so her sister could live. She said that's when she got her answer that she needed to be baptized. It was such an amazing experience that I'll never forget. We called her and cried and cried on the phone together. I didn't know these feelings were possible. I've never felt so happy. I know that through our trials and afflictions God humbles us and helps us see clearly, because that's what He did for her. Luckily her sister is okay. She is out of the emergency room and should be able to go home within this week. Kim Seo Youn already had her baptismal interview on Saturday. Everything is set. I can't believe it. I feel like its a dream. All the frustration we felt, the countless lessons, inviting, testifying.. everything makes sense now. Everything came together. Everything prepared her and now her faith is strong. She is set. I am so happy. Miracles are real. God answers prayers. I feel so blessed to be ending my mission with this feeling burning in my heart stronger than ever.

Love you all. 

Sister Holmes
홈스 자매

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