

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 73

Dearest loved ones

Miracles happen! And one happened yesterday. Our Lovely Lee Bom was baptized yesterday. At the beginning of the week we weren't sure that everything would work out. She still wasn't quite all the way committed, there were some fears about her family not letting her and what not.. so we were a little bit stressed (and when I say we I mean we. Sister Yoon is as cool as a cucumber, I'm so lucky she's my comp haha) but EVERYTHING WORKED OUT. Lots of prayers and fasting and everything came together. She commited to it on friday, had her baptismal interview on Saturday, and was baptized on Sunday. It was such a beautiful service and she bore the sweetest and purest testimony ever.. She is probably one of the most prepared people I've met on my mission.. if not the most. She accepted everything so well, and understands perfectly why obedience to God's commandments is so important.. Something that SO many of my investigators on my mission have had a hard time understanding. She has such a strong desire to choose the right and to be the person God wants her to be. Her faith has been such a testimony booster to me, and also a reminder to me of how small my role as the missionary really is. I get so down on myself sometimes because I feel like I'm not doing all I can, or that I can never be a good enough teacher or presenter of the message.. Teaching Lee Bom reminded me that all we have to do is find those prepared people. She was ready. All we had to do was find her. I'm so grateful to Sister Lee and Sister Yoon for finding her last transfer, and for the short amount of time I was able to teach her before she got baptized! I didn't do anything but I got to witness the miracle and to see the fruits. Wow I'm so blessed.

Along with being spiritually blessed I was also blessed with the temporal blessing this week of being stuffed (literally i've never been so full in my life) with delicious food wherever I went. We visited less actives and had great lessons with investigators.. just a great week. SO BLESSED.. that's all I can say.

Well I've been on my mission 17 months today and I can't believe it at all. Time flies when you're having fun. Oh and you know preaching the gospel and what not.
"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." (3 nephi 5:13)

I love being a disciple of Jesus Christ. I love being a missionary. I know I say this in almost every email but I can't say it enough.

I actually have to go now, sorry this was such a short email today! Love you all and wish you a wonderful happy and lucky week (happy st. patty's day tomorrow I guess)

Sister Holmes
홈스 자매

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