Dear Fam
This week was just one of those weeks where you look back and think, wow how did I survive all the crazy that happened? We had a lot of weird experiences this week.. But great ones too! I can't believe its already March.. Time is getting faster and faster with every passing week, its almost unbelievable. Everyday my heart is getting fuller and fuller with gratitude for the opportunity I have to be a missionary right now.. I don't have too much time left.. so I want to give my all to the Lord every day!
Right now one of our investigators has a baptismal date, Lee Bom. She is progressing and accepting everything so well. Her date is set for the 21st of this month. She came to church this week. She's so awesome.. Our other investigator that had a date has some issues that we have to figure out before can give her another date, but we're still working with her! As for our other investigators.. This week we had dinner and a lesson with one of our members and our investigator Kim So Yeon. We talked about a lot of things.. eternal marraige, living prophets, and obedience.. but somehow it all tied together and we brought it back to baptism. She still has a lot of fears and concerns about baptism but we're not really sure what they are.. We're having a hard time understanding her as of late. She knows its all true. She feels great when she reads the book of mormon and comes to church.. but she feels like she needs to know every single detail of the gospel perfectly before she commits to baptism. She's taking her time. As long as she's moving forward, no matter how slow it is, that's a good thing, right? We invited her to fast with us on Sunday, to try and get an answer about baptism. We need to talk to her about it more, but I pray that she had a good experience and that the Lord helped to soften her heart as she fasted.. As for Nam Sung Won.. She's been so busy and sick this last week. She canceled on us several times, we were only able to see her once, we visited her at her parent's cafe. She starts school this week and she's really nervous. She has been living at home doing nothing for the past 2 years so she's so scared to start this new busy life... and its kind of affected her desire to meet with us and progress in the gospel. She didn't come to church this week. She sent us a really long apology text last night expressing all of her stress and concern and told us that she's still praying all the time and trying to strengthen her faith, so she told us not to worry too much. So I decided to do that. I've been so stressed and discouraged about her lately.. but really, all we can do is invite and continue to express our love to her. So there's no need to be discouraged!
Miracle this week!!! Kim Ji Aey, a recent convert here in Sanggye finally came to church yesterday!! The first time since I've been here! She hasn't answered any of our texts our calls.. but she came to church with her 2 daughters Hye li (haha I guess its just Haley in english..) and Hye lyon! She's been going through a rough divorce, and I think things are finally finalized. She is so sweet, and she seems to have such strong faith. She is still in contact with Sister White, the sister that baptized her, yes my same sister white from Sinchon. I love her.. and I'm so grateful in her dilligence in staying in contact with her recent converts and people she taught here in Korea even though she's home. Such an inspiration to me! Anyways, we're going to her house for family night tonight with her and her daughters. I'm so excited :)
Found a new favorite scripture this week in Romans. Verses 35 and 37: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?.... Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Nothing can overcome the love that Christ has for each on of us. No matter what we may be going through.. tribulation, heartbreak, pain- physical or emotional.. whatever it may be, we can conquer anything through Him that loves us.. because He loves us, He suffered every pain we've ever felt. So He knows us better than anyone. We can be more than conquerors... We can become like him.
I love you all and wish a great week upon you all.
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
Temple day! I love my comp. And I love long-ffles (a long waffle on a stick that will change your life) I HADN'T HAD ONE IN 6 was a glorious reunion.
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