

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 69

Dear family and friends and everyone!

I don't have too much time to email today so I'll keep it short! Its been a crazy day! Today was transfers!! I sent of Sister Jeon and picked up my new companion! Sister Yoon Jung in! She and I have actually been living together for the past transfer, so I already know her really well! I LOVE HER! She is so chill and so fun. Right now I'm actually in a temporary threesome! with Sister Yoon and Sister Butterfield! She is gonna be training here in Sangye, and the new missionaries don't come in until wednesday.. so we get to have a 3 man team for a few days here!! I love Sister Butterfield, we were in the mtc together and we'll leave together, so I'm so excited to be living with her. It will be so much fun. Because Sister Yoon was in the other companionship and they had a lot of progressing investigators, she just moved to my companionship with her investigators. So we have a lot of wonderful people we're teaching right now, and I'm so excited for this new transfer!!! We are gonna see miracles.

Wow my mind is kind of drawing a blank right now on this past week.. It was so crazy! Sister Jeon's last week so we had a lot going on, we taught a lot of lessons and worked really hard! One of the hlghlights was going to a meat buffet with one of our members and investigators.. I still smell like meat but it was glorious. That, and Nam Sungwon is progressing so well.. She came to church on Sunday again, and we had some awesome lessons with her this week! Valentines day was fun! We had english class that day so we made cookies and valentines for all of our english class members, and they loved it.

Okay.. Well this was a lame short email and I apologize.. But you know, no time and all!
LOVE YOU ALL! Talk to you next week.

Sister Holmes
홈스 자매

exchange with Sister Lee Sungmi this week. we ate ice-cream.

Last Sunday! District pic! (4 elders are missing)

Reunited with Taebaek fam at transfers!

Goodbye old comp, hello new comp(s)

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