

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 70

Dear loved ones of mine...

This week was so great.. this transfer is off to such a wonderful start. I am having so much fun with my new companion Sister Yoon... we're basically soul mates. At the end of last week I was like geez my face is sore! I realized it is because of the amount I've been smiling and laughing haha. She is such a wonderful and hard working missionary! Sister Butterfield got her new trainee! Sister Neidhart from Germany!! Yep that's right, we've got such a diverse house.. a Korean, a German and... 2 sisters from Utah.. Why are we so lame? Anyways, our house is so much fun and we're all just so happy together!! I just feel so blessed to be where I am right now! I LOVE IT!

This week was the Korean holiday, Solnar. So we had a combined zone conference that was SO awesome. We got to watch the movie "Meet the Mormons"!!! It was sooo good. Everyone who hasn't see it, go watch it right now because its so amazing and life changing. It has given me a stronger drive in my missionary work this past week. Also it was just so fun to be able to 'watch a movie' haha I forgot what it felt like. Also I got to wear Hanbok!! Korean traditional clothing!! Pics to come....

On saturday we had a baptismal service, on of the Elder's investigators got baptized. 2 of our investigators attended, Kim Soyun and Nam Sungwon. They are both progressing very well.. but at the same time they're also stuck at a spot in their progression. They are kind of very similar in their thinking. And it doesn't help that they are really close so we think that they get together a lot and discuss things about our church, which can be dangerous, you know. But they both really liked the baptism service and have good feelings towards baptism.. but neither of them are ready or willing to commit to a date quite yet. They were so shocked when they heard that this young kid that got baptized had only been taking lessons for about 3 to 4 weeks.. they asked us "How could he do that? There is know way that he knows everything already!" We explained to them that he didn't get baptized because he knew everything.. but he knew enough. He knew that it was what he needed to do, and he wanted to do it. We have explained to them so much about baptism being the gate, not the final destination.. They know they are prepared, they know they know enough.. But to be honest they both still have a lot of doubts and questions.. But they are praying every day, reading the scriptures, coming to church (mostly.. Sungwon didn't come this week because she was sick), so they are moving forward.. even if it is little itty bitty baby steps. 

We actually have 2 other baptismal dates right now, 2 of the investigators Sister Yoon was working with that we brought over to our companionship, Pak Jongyoon and Lee Bom! They are both about 20 years old and they are so sweet. Their dates are actually set for sooner than they'll be ready because we haven't been able to meet with them enough to teach them everything that needs to be taught, so we'll be postponing them this week when we meet them. We are teaching some pretty wonderful people right now! I love them all. We had a fun Solnar party this week with all of our investigators that our ward mission leader planned (he is the BEST ever). We got together and played some korean traditional games. Our investigators all had such a fun time and it was just so dandy. 

Shortly another cool miracle this week: we got a referral from some Elders in another area, they met a woman who had lots of interest in our church, her name is Yoon Eh Ryong.. she said she wanted to come to our church service on sunday! We called her the night we got the referral and she said she would come! To be honest, we forgot to follow up with her again before church, we completely forgot. But she came to church!! and stayed for the whole 3 hours! It was such a cool miracle! She is a very religious person and has a lot of knowledge.. but because of bad things she saw going on in her church she stopped attending for the past year or so, so she wants to find out more about our church. Teaching her won't be easy, because she is kind of set in her knowledge and she comes off a bit prideful.. but she keeps saying that she has a very open mind! We are gonna meet with her again this week and I pray that the message of the restoration rings true to her when she hears it.

This week I got a special letter in the mail from my mtc teacher. It was a letter I wrote myself in the mtc.. My teacher kept it and told us she would send it the last few months of our mission.. Reading it was so surreal because I remember exactly how I felt when I wrote it, the hope I had to become a true disciple of Christ. To be honest I was nervous to read it because I was worried I would feel disappointed if I didn't meet the standard I had set for myself as a young missionary. Well I'm not perfect, but luckily I didn't expect myself to be perfect. I just expected progression. And if there is one thing I've learned about on my mission, it is about progression.. A continual striving to become more like the Savior every day, that's what matters most. We don't have to be perfect. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but he does expect our perfect effort. When we humble ourselves and accept that, He can do wonders among us. Something my companion said this week to one of our investigators (I think the spirit prompted her to say it because it helped me more than in probably helped our investigator) "Humility is Spiritual confidence."

Love you all. Have a wonderful week and talk to you soooooon

Sister Holmes
홈스 자매

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