This week was good! Not too much to report! Humidity has HIT. It is so hot and there are bugs everywhere.. and our house has no air conditioner.. but luckly we got some fans delivered to us this week so we haven't been cooked yet!
Kim Teh Hyong, our little 12 year old investigator commited to baptism this week!! We are planning on June 1st, but he didn't stay for church this week, he only showed up for about 20 minutes. So we may have to postpone it. We're not sure yet. We're meeting with him today and we'll figure out what is best. I've never met such a smart kid in my life! He really has a desire to learn the gospel! He is so prepared. We had a ward BBQ this week, and a lot of our investigators came, Shin Song Hee, Choi Un Kyo, and Kim Teh Hyong. It was such a success. Teh Hyongy even brought 5 of his friends. Talk about being a fellowshipper! Why can't our members do that?? After the bbq we got to watch 17 Miracles!! It was so great.
Yesterday before sacrament meeting we had a lesson with Shin Song Hee. We read 2 Nephi 33 with her, and talked about how if we believe in Christ, we will believe in the Book of Mormon. I shared my favorite scripture with her, 2 Ne. 33:6 "I glory in plainness, I glory in truth, I glory in my Jesus, for He hath redeemed my soul from hell." I bore my testimony about the book of mormon. She said that she believes that its true... but then she goes on and asks a bunch of unrelated questions.. everything she says contradicts itself. I think she is just trying to make excuses for herself right now.. In fact I know she is. She is just grabbing onto whatever she can to justify the fact that she doesn't want to progress. She knows its good, she knows that it is true. But something is holding her back. She knows that if she moves forward she has to give some things up.. she has to change her life, and she doesn't want to. But she continues to read the book of mormon, she continues to pray, she continues to come to church. So how do we help her take that next step in conversion?? We are holding the fresh bread right in front of her, but now it is her choice to eat it. We can't force feed her, as much as I want to sometimes. This morning I read Elder Scott's talk from this last conference, "I Have Given You an Example". He says, "How can each of us become such a significant influence? We must be sure to sincerely love those we want to help in righteousness so they can begin to develop confidence in God's love... Giving them confidence in your love can help them develop faith in God's love." So I guess the answer is just to keep praying for her, encouraging her and loving her with the hope that soon she will realize who God really is, and who she is to Him.
It all comes down to love! All you need is love!
Well, that's my life this week. Sorry this was kind of a lame email. My day usually looks something like this. Wake up, exercise, study, eat, jundo, find less actives (which is an adventure), maybe have a lesson, eat, jundo more, and SLEEP. :) I love it. So much.
This week will be great! On the 31st we have a combined mission conference with the Seoul South Mission!! Elder Quinton L. Cook will be here!! IN KOREA!! I can't wait.
Everyone have a wonderful last week of school/first week of summer! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON THURSDAY CLAIRE BEAR!!
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
"me" selfie.
Korean selfie.
Finally! A dog that I love in Korea!! We loved it so much we had to get a picture with it. Nicest and softest dog I've ever met...I'm gonna bring him home to replace Bert (sniff sniff)
Best thing to happen to me this week. Matching $3 grandma pants. I'm not kidding. All the grandmas wear these in the summer.
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