

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 33

My dearest family and friends...

Well.. Its already the last week of the transfer. I literally have no idea who stole my time. Transfer calls are on Saturday. I think its my time to go. But then again I have no idea. I thought for sure I'd be leaving last time and I stayed in Sinchon.. So I won't be presumptuous. I'll just be anxious. AHHHHH

Good news! We got a wonderful new investigator this week, her name is Ha. Literally just Ha. haha! Ha. Anyways, she was a referal from the Elders! She is the wife of one of their investigators, Tuyet. They are a family from Vietnam. They have the sweetest little girl names Mashaw. (like a mix of michelle and marshal haha) They speak no Korean and very very little English. But I can't describe the way I feel when I meet them! I can feel the spirit so strongly. They honestly have such a pure desire to learn the about God and about our church. They come to english class, they've come to church once, and they even came with us to Elder Cook's fireside on Saturday night. They say they don't know why but they feel very happy when they are with us. Communicating with them is hard, but this week we got vietnamese pamplets and book of mormons so that will help so much! We're meeting with Ha 2 times a week. She is home by herself all day every day, so that is why they referred her to us! We've already taught her about God and prayer, and she commited to praying every day.

Kim Teh Hyoung! Our "eggy investigator" (eggy is baby in Korean). He was supposed to get baptized this last saturday, but that fell through the Sunday before when he didn't come to church. But that's okay! We kind of rushed into it, and recognized that he really needs more time. We met with him this week, and we've set a date for June 15th! That's the date we've set for know anyways.. Its complicated with him. Because he's so young he always flakes out on us.. Acutally to be honest everyone does that, it's not because he's young haha. Also we haven't met his parents yet, or even talked to them about it.. so I'm not quite sure what's going on yet. All I know is that I'm best buds with him. He's so cool. He is the Korean version of Toby (yeah shout out to you Tobes! You're probably not even reading this but someone tell him this for me hehe). 

Yesterday we had a miracle with Shin Song Hee. This week, one of the things I fasted for was to help us to figure out what has been holding her back from progression towards baptism, what is keeping her from having the desire to exercise faith? yesterday during our lesson with her, we did.. This week her dog died and she has been so heart broken about it, so we just wanted to have a lesson of comfort with her, we planned on reading Elder Bednar's talk with her about bearing our burdens through Christ's atonement. Right after we finished following up on her reading assignment in the Book of Mormon from the last time, she brought up baptism by herself. Usually we are the ones trying to bring it up in a non-pushy way. She told us she'd been thinking about baptism a lot lately, and asked about the qualifications, so we started discussing the baptismal interview questions with her. She then admitted to us that she had an abortion. About 10 years ago she was married and had a child with her husband, and her baby died after only a few days. Right after her baby died she got pregnant right away. I don't know her reasoning behind deciding to get an abortion but she and her husband got divorced, so we can guess the situation wasn't good. I am so grateful that she finally had the courage to tell us.

The mission conference with Elder Quinton L. Cook this week so great.. It was just what I needed. His message was one of comfort and reassurance. He talked about the process in which the apostles and missionary department assign calls. He testified to us about how truly inspired each missionary's call is for them personally."So be comfortable!" he said. I loved it. He talked about 4 areas of love. Love the people, your companion, your mission president, and the Lord. If I do those simple things, I will feel peace and happiness. I will be able to see my success and the good I am doing as a missionary. So simple, but so perfect. I am so grateful for living prophets and apostles on the earth today. I know they are men of God. I really really do!

Well that's all for today I think! I'm doing great. It's barely june and I'm already exploding because of the humidity... but supposedly this week is gonna cool down a whole lot.. then its rainy season. :) Bring it Korea.

Love you all and have a wonderful week!!

Sister Holmes
홈스 자매

Delicious Indian food

Mission Conf. with the Sinchon Chamaes!

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