Dear fam, friends and erebody..
Wow this past week has been absolutely crazy! Transferring to a new area is always a big adjustment and a lot of change, so of course its crazy. But I am so grateful to be here in Sangye for so many reasons. Our ward is AWESOME.. they have such a strong desire to do missionary work.. One really amazing thing, all of our members have an alarm on their phone that goes off at 9pm every night, and it doesn't matter where they are or what they're doing, they pray for the missionaries. How amazing is that? It just blows my mind. That, and the fact that we do yoga stretches to start out relief society lets me know that this is the ideal place to be. :) I still miss Taebaek with a burning fiery passion.. but I know that as I get to know and love and serve the people here it will go away! Sangye is pretty neat. I feel blessed. That's all.
We have a lot of investigators right now with a lot of potential here! I haven't met too many of them yet, but we've had great lessons with the ones I have met. One lady in particular is named Anna Kim. She is very good at english and she started meeting with the sisters here several weeks ago. We're doing family english program with her but it usually just turns into 30 min. of the gospel in english and 30 min. in Korean, so that's great! She has had a hard time with people from other churches in the past being backstabbers and mean people so she's skeptical to commit to a church. But she says so far she really likes what she's seen of our church and she's so impressed by all the young missionaries that give our church a good image. She has the desire to read the book of mormon and find out if what we're teaching her is true. She wasn't able to come to church this last sunday but she wants to come next week! I pray good things happen there! We also met a few new investigators this week since I've been here! Seriously I've been here less than a week and I've already seen so many miracles.
Wow its such a party living with 3 koreans!! I thought adjusting to hearing basically only Korean 24/7 would be a lot harder than it has been! That means I've learned a think or two right?? Its a lot of fun. My companion Sister Jeon is so sweet! We get along well. In our first few days together she already opened up to me and told me all of her deep dark secrets haha. We're tight! I'm excited to work hard with her as Sister training leaders together. Some of the sisters in our zone are having a hard time finding right now so hopefully at our zone training this week and in our exchanges to come, we'll be able to speak through the spirit and help them out. Being an sister training leader is great because I receive so much more than I give! Tomorrow is our missionary leadership training at president's house.. it should be great. I'm stoked!
This morning I was studying John 11, about when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. I found so much comfort in the simple verse 35, "Jesus wept". He wept because he loved Lazarus, He was his good friend. He wept because it hurt Him to see his dear family and sisters in so much pain. I think He also wept because in that moment He recognized the undeniable task of the atonement that he was to fulfill for the world.. and He realized that he would be taking upon Himself not only the sins of the world, but the sickness, the death, the heart breaks of each on of us individually. I love my Savior.. and I am so glad He loves me enough to do that for me. I feel confident in saying that He weeps for me too. As He does for all of us.
Well basically this is life for me right now! I feel grateful to have this new start in a new area (will be my last... AHHHH) Time is just zipping, so I gotta make the most of every second! I love being a missionary. Love this gospel, love you all.
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
transfers...saying goodbye :(
Jeon Abin Chamenim!
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