Dear fam
I remember having an interview with my mission president 5 transfers ago before I came out to Taebaek. I was talking about how hard it was for me to be leaving Sinchon, and all of the people there that meant so much to me. Well, at that time he made a promise to me that when the time comes for me to leave Taebaek, it would be even harder. Well, his promise has been fulfilled. Yep, after 7 wonderful months here in Taebaek, as John would say "my time has come". I'm leaving Taebaek! We got our transfer calls Saturday night. Headed back to the city... I'm going to an area called Sangye! Saying goodbye has been one of the hardest things I've done on my mission, no joke! The members here in Taebaek have become a part of my life that I can never forget. Each of them means so much to me.. I feel so unbelievably blessed to have had the opportunity to serve in Taebaek. It has changed my life. Even though it is so hard.. Its bittersweet. Because I really am so excited to go to my new area, Sangye. It is one of the most amazing areas in our mission... I know it will be amazing. I feel so blessed and really so excited to be able to serve there for my last three transfers! My new companion's name is Jeon Ah Bin! She's korean and I'll be living with 2 other korean sisters as well.. I am STOKED! Its crazy, I'm going from the smallest zone in the mission to the biggest.. Total opposites. Sister Jeon and I will be the sister training leaders out there. It will be a grand new adventure. Although leaving Taebaek is the hardest thing ever.. I know that great things are instore. I trust Heavenly Father. He sent me to Taebaek and it was better than anything I could've imagined.. so I imagine I'll leave Sangye feeling that same way.
I can't believe how fast this last transfer flew by, I hardly had any time to process it at all. It was probably the fastest transfer of my whole mission (and they just keep getting faster). With MLC, exchanges, Christmas and New years, every week seemed to be so packed. It was a transfer filled with happiness, the spirit, and Christ's love. We have had a hard time finding people to teach these past 2 transfers but I wouldn't have traded the experience we had for anything. Sister Stancliffe and I grew closer to our Savior as we dedicated ourselves to finding.We feel strongly that maintaining relationships with old investigators is really important. I told you about Jeong Sung Kyong last week, how we visited her and actually have started meeting with her again. It was a cool miracle. Also this week we've started teaching one of our long time english class comer's kids with their cousins and grandma during their winter vacation. It might be a short teaching time, but it just goes back to developing those relationships so that we prepare them for accepting the gospel in the future.
This week I conquered the world.. Hiked Taebaek San (mountain) on New Years day with our branch at -14 degrees c. We ate ramen with monks at the top. It was awesome. Haha definitely a new years that I will never forget!
Sister Stancliffe.. Oh how I love her. Leaving her will be hard! I feel like a momma bird that has to let my baby spread her wings and fly haha, I'm not kidding. I know she'll do great things here in Taebaek with Sister Schillemat. She has learned how to work really hard!
I don't have much else to say this week and I don't have much time! Gotta get ready to go.. We leave to Seoul tomorrow. We're having a family home evening/leaving party at the church tonight and a lot of our english class members and investigators are coming so it should be awesome. I love Taebaek. I'm gonna miss it so much I can't even explain. I am coming back here someday.. I already promised all of our members haha so its gonna happen.
I love this gospel! I love this work. More and more every day. Can't wait to fill you all in next week about the awesome new experiences I'll be having in Sangye!
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
The Korean traditional New Year's meal of "dok-kuk" (rice cake) soup! You have to eat it to get a year older :) I'M 22!
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