What a great week it was! It was such a wonderful opportunity to be able to attend Missionary Leadership council for the first time. It was such a spiritually enriching experience. I feel so blessed to be able to have the opportunity and privilege to be a sister training leader right now. We have such a great zone and I feel so blessed. I will definitely be learning more than I'll be helping! Our Zone meeting the next day was great. The zone leaders gave a wonderful training on planning and how to better use our area books. The commitment they gave us was to prepare an area book that we could give to Jesus for Christmas. How genius is that? During my training I focused on accountability to the Lord I talked about how we can let Christ into our hearts more fully by using time wisely, and being exactly obedient. My commitment was to pray for opportunities to let Christ more fully into your heart, to pray to recognize those opportunities, and when you do, to tell them to the Lord. One thing I realized during my training.. The spirit can speak through me not only to help others, but to help myself too!
At our leadership meeting we were introduced to this video. Everyone watch it right now. If you've seen it watch it again. It will change your life.
We have been asked to show this video as much as we can this Christmas season! I can't even begin to express the effect it has had on me personally. It has made this past week of missionary work so much for meaningful to me. Everytime we show it, I feel the spirit so strongly (which is evidence that the people we're showing it to are feeling it too!) It is a reminder to me of why I'm here. It has given me a new found drive in purpose in my everyday interactions with the people here. We are sharing the gift with everyone!!! We've started to bring our mini dvd player with us everywhere haha! We have showed it to people on the streets, knocking doors, receiving lots of phone numbers that way, we are showing it to our members, our investigators, everyone. One experience that comes to mind was when we showed out investigator Juliet. We haven't been able to meet her for a few weeks, she was starting to drift off the radar. We called her about meeting and she was about to cancel on us again, but I asked her if we could visit her for 15 minutes and show her a new christmas video our church came out with. She agreed that it would be fine! So we visited her and shared it with her and she loved it. We asked her if we could come back next week and share it with her whole family, and she said yes. This is a huge breakthrough for her, because she never lets us meet her husband because he doesn't like religion! Such an awesome miracle. Each day we are trying to think of more ways to better utilize the video and share it with more and more people. This week we're going to be visiting lots of old investigators and less actives to #sharethegift! (yes that's right I just hashtagged)
Yesterday after church I had a moment of frustration. Feeling like so little was in my control. Our investigator Rose, as I have said before, is a really hard one for us to understand. She wants to meet with us, she wants to learn about our church and the Book of Mormon, but she doesn't want accept help from us. She doesn't want to act. She doesn't come to church, but she shows up after church and kind of just wants to hang out with everyone. She is so hard for me to understand. I have been praying for ways to know how to help her and understand her, and this morning during personal study I think I finally found my answer. 2 Nephi 28:30. It's the scripture that talks about how God works among his children. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little... It's going to take time with her. But that's okay. My time table is not the Lord's time table. I need to have patience and understand that it won't come all at once for her. That being said, it is important to help her to understand also that in order for her to receive that knowledge even line upon line, she does need to act. She needs to show her faith. And as she does, like the scripture says, she will receive more knowledge. This is something that I might need to work on understanding more myself before I expect her or anyone else to. TRUST THE LORD!
Jesus is the Christ. He is the gift. He is the reason for the season, the reason for every season, the reason for everything. He has changed my life. Discover the gift. My commitment to all of you is to share the gift this week!!!!
Love you all so much!
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
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