Dearest loved ones..
I can't believe I'm 20 years old today. Didn't I just get my drivers license and go to the prom like last year? And all of the sudden I'm 2 decades old. No more teenage years. What happened? Its so crazy.. But actually at the same time I feel like I'm already past twenty.. because I've been telling everyone for the past 7 months that I'm 21 because that's my korean age haha.. so now I'm 20? I don't even know anymore..
Thank you everyone so much for all of the birthday wishes, I felt so much love today and I'm so grateful for each of you in my life!
Transfer calls.. Sister Lykins and I will be together for another transfer! Woohoo!! Its what I expected, and I'm really happy about it. One would've been too short! Probably after this one she'll leave though, and I'll get a new companion.. All the Elders keep saying that I'm gonna train soon. They thought I would train this one, but HA in your face Elders.. I don't know if I'd be ready for that! Just last week I went on exchanges with a new missionary and it was fun, but SO EXHAUSTING. They just suck the energy right out of you!
Man this week was kind of a long one, but it was good! Last pday we went to the biggest cave in korea! Which was cool! until we found out that it was man made. Then we were all like wow this is kind of lame.. well we met with Leann twice this week and she is keeping our commitments of prayer and reading the scriptures. Last Thursday we talked with her about baptism. We extended the soft baptismal commitment. She said that she didn't really understand what it was.. but that she would read the chapter we assigned to her about baptism and she would think about it! So that was probably our bad. We didn't explain it well enough.. but even so, she has so much willingness to learn, something I was very doubting of in the beginning! We asked her what it would mean to her if the things we were teaching her were true, and she said that it would mean everything, she wants to come to know God for herself. She just needs that one spiritual experience!
As for our other investigators. Oh haha we had a great experience with our investigator who wants to be a buddhist monk, Kim Kooee..? Young (ah man I don't know how to translate these names into english haha) We went to her house to teach her. We show up and she is folding she and her husband's underwear in front of us, holding it up to model it when necessary ! No biggie. And right as we start our lesson, after we pray, fried chicken arrives. So we pause and eat chicken together for a minute haha.. afterwards we start teaching the plan of salvation.. and she starts having some pretty violent gas from the chicken. Well it wasn't the most spiritual of lessons you could say... but hey you know you're 'in' when someone folds their underwear and has no issues letting a few ones rip in front of you right? Score!
We hiked TaeBaek San (mountain) this last Saturday with our branch president and his kids.. It was the most awesome thing. I was back in waterton :) I was seriously on cloud nine. Literally, like we were in the clouds on top of the montain. It was awesome. Pics to come.
This morning I had a cool experience reading my patriarchal blessing. I can't believe I recieved it almost 3 years ago! Time is so crazy. I remember it so clearly, one of the most spiritual moments of my life. I felt like God was speaking directly to me. Now reading in on my mission I am able to see some of the blessings fulfilled. I love this gospel. I love this work! I am so happy to be starting my 6th transfer on my 20th birthday as a healthy happy missionary here in Korea. Man I'm blessed.
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
Some cave fun (man made cave, mind you)
Taebek san!
half-way pic :D
man, I love it here.
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