This week flew by in a flash. I honestly feel like I just blinked and the week is gone. I can't even remember what happened!
Well, hope everyone had a happy 4th of July! In between jundo, weekly planning and English class, I almost would've forgotten that is was a holiday haha! But all I had to do was look down at my clothes to remember.. Yes of course I wore red white and blue mom! Don't you worry! Call me Sister Flag! Okay. That wasn't that funny but I'm too lazy to delete what I just wrote. We ate fried chicken, watermelon and icecream as a district to celebrate.. So even though I wasn't with my family, swimming and watching fireworks, I can't complain. I had a pretty good 4th of July holiday here in Korea. :)
We saw some good things this week! We met with a new(ish) investigator named Leann! We met with her several weeks ago and hadn't been able to meet with us again until this last week. She is so awesome! We are doing the family english program with her and her 2 sons, who are the cutest things on this earth. Mark my words, I am not leaving this country without an korean child. So mom and dad, you might have to come pick me up so we can do some legal work.. either that or I might just have to smuggle one in my suitcase.. you decide, its happening either way. Anyways, we had such a fun time with them. We ate lunch them, played some English games and had a great lesson! We read "You are Special" with them (in Korean) and we talked about how we cant talk to Heavenly Father every day through prayer. They loved it! The only problem is that her husband is very buddhist.. It was the perfect opportunity to invite us over because her husband was in Seoul for a business trip. But she says that she talked to her husband about us, and he said it was alright as long as he didn't have to get involved with it. So that's good right? She's been reading the book of mormon already! She says she doesn't understand it.. but she's exercising her faith so that's what matters! We are meeting her again today so we'll help explain some things for her. I see some good things happening with her. She is such a happy person. The hard part will be getting her to see why she needs this gospel, because she is already such a happy happy person.. We just need to find a depressed person or something... Me and Sister Lykins joke about it.. but we're kinda serious haha.
This week is our last week in the family english program with Jiny and Dorthy (our buddhist ladies) and they are going to be so sad.. they love us so much. Literally last week Jiny told us that we are basically her only friends. We told them that if they want to keep meeting with us we can, but we won't be doing english anymore, just the gospel lesson. They said they would be okay with that.. but at the same time, they aren't accepting or progressing at all. They honestly do love learning about our church and they love what we believe.. but they don't want to accept it for themselves. This last week in our lesson with them, I invited them to pray, to experiment for themselves to find out if what we have been teaching them is true or not.. but they declined the invitation respectfully and told us that they will only pray to their buddhist gods, and not 'mormon style'. Well, we tried! And we will keep trying. These ladies are really so special to me.. I feel like even though they're no where near accepting our message now, that by learning about the doctrine of our church, we are helping to lay a foundation for something in the future.. that is what I hope and pray!!
Like I said before, church is such a different experience for me here.. I'm not used to having my hair done for me (aka ripped out of my head) during sacrament meeting! I'm not sure if I've mentioned Soong-oo yet.. He is our branch president's youngest son.. There are no words to describe this little boy. He is the cutest thing you've ever seen for sure, but also the most lethal. He is one naughty kid haha. and He loves us a little bit too much. He is probably one of my biggest trials out here in Taebaek, not going to lie haha! But through him I am learning patience.. and how to be a good parent someday? I don't know haha. But he is so entertaining.. Even though he likes to poke the sister missionaries in places they shouldn't be poked... oh man
This past week Sister Lykins and I had a day where we spoke only Korean to eachother all day! Haha it started out good but by the end it was like 70/30.. but still! It was such an awesome experience and a confidence booster to me that I can actually kinda speak Korean. Getting there. Slowly but surely. :)
Lately I've been reading in the book of Jacob.. and I'm learning more about what it means to cleave unto God. How can we better cleave unto God? By loving Him, serving Him, and trusting Him always. If we trust in Him, during testing times we will never be shaken, just like Jacob was when Sherem tried to shake him (ch. 7). I am learning more about how to trust God every day out here.. Its kind of hard sometimes just to let go of your will and say God, its all you now. I am doing my best but whatever happens happens. And I trust you. Its hard! I'm not very good at it yet. But I'm trying more and more. And as I do.. my faith and conviction of this gospel grows stronger and stronger. I can't express in words how grateful I am to be where I am right now, experiencing everything that I'm experiencing.
Love you all, have a kimchi slammin' week. (am I cool or what?)
Sister Holmes
홈스 자매
4th of July feast!
Flag attire.
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